30 June 2024

You only talk to me about Stars

You only talk to me of stars,
Not the dark forest or chilly winds.
Nor the moon and its white light.
If i no longer talk about stars,
Will you cease to talk to me too?

In life we often meet and bond with people over similar interests, similar environments and similar genders in some cases.

Like my gaming friends who only seem to chat me up if its about games. Or when i open a topic and they feel uninterested to continue the conversation.

Often times i find myself lonely in those moments. Whereas i would try to enjoy their interests and be happy for them but i feel alone in my own world.

You talk to me about the stars but seem to lose interest in me when i talk about the moon. Of its dark side, its seemingly beautiful light in the darkness, not cold but like a warm guide in those dark moments, of the untold stories behind her surface, the strength in her gravity.

You talk to me about stars, but when i no longer speak about stars will you cease to speak to me too?

note: just some ramblings about losing contact with people who you thought distance would not seperate. but it did.

18 September 2022

Every Five Years

Every five years
The love i have

and i am reminded
once more
how difficult it is to love me.

24 September 2021

Bad Guy

 I never liked being the bad guy. But that is who I'm slowly becoming. 

And it's difficult to love becoming someone you hate. 

The broken spine of a large tree,

Once shaded the green grass,

Now the bird has flown free,

but the nest is all that's left.