14 August 2017

Why do I sleep so much?


I usually sleep a lot... No doubt about it. My friends are also amazed at my ability to sleep almost anywhere and also baffled by how I can get sick with just 1 day of less sleep.

I'm perplexed and annoyed with myself about this. Why do I sleep so much? I ask this everyday. Why can't I stay awake longer? Why can't I use my time when I am awake much more prudently? Why do I waste time?

My sis has been sending me fact posts on IG saying it might be because of depression. I don't have depression. Perfectly fine with my life. I am just so VERY TIRED everyday.

just living is tiring. I am amazed at people who live like they are on full throttle everyday. Damn you lucky extroverts. If you were batteries and could transfer your energy to me takpa juga. Unfortunately extroverts GAIN energy from being around others whereas Intoverts need to generate our own geddem energy everyday.

My 8 hours of sleep are necessary! But so is reading manga and playing game to make me happy and so is ibadah to make my heart full and so is family time and so is working for halal income.... 24 hours is a cruel number. I want to hate you, but then you are a rezeki from Allah. I should be thankful for every 24 hours.... Sigh.

Ok. rant over. I need my nap.


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